Multiple Effects of Any Cause

In the last blog entry I was writing about how an event or happening can have many causes. Likewise I find that a cause, or several causes, can bring about many effects. This makes trying to see where negative thoughts have come from and where they have gone a lot of things (exhausting, difficult, time-consuming, energy-consuming, fun, an adventure, a long journey).

In the last couple of weeks, I have been self-examining my history of many moves as a child. I see that it caused me to be less stable, in terms of length of stay at jobs and residences, and less possessing of a sense of belonging to a place (the sense of having a hometown and culture of origin). I can see other effects as well, and many of those effects become causes for other effects.

At some point, I have to disengage from the examination and start on the healing of the grief for the loss occasioned by the moving around. For me, this healing comes through some journalling, some tears, and some meditation. Or at least right now that’s how it comes. In the future it may come some other way, and that will be ok too.

My point here is that I find the core loss and find effects (good and bad), then I find a way to heal the loss. Already I am feeling much better about staying where I am and being a newcomer here. I hope that today you are feeling what you need to in your journey.

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